The title of Kidulthood (2006) director Menhaj Huda's latest film, Everywhere and Nowhere (2011), is directly quoted by its protagonist when asked where he's from. Born and raised in London but of Pakistani descent, Ash (James Floyd) is at the centre of a culture clash that is his life. In his early twenties, with family and friends accepting arranged marriages as easy life-choices, or afraid of admitting to having interracial relationships to their parents, Ash is stuck at a crossroads.

What was once an original(ish) story issue at the heart of popular British hits such East is East (1999) and Bend it like Beckham (2002), has become an easy, go-to story strand for soap opera writers. Indeed, family's feuding over cultural traditions versus the ideals of today’s youth culture may even seem like fairly trivial fodder on which to feed us yet another cinematic offering of this kind.

While a more Kidulthood-inspired kind of narrative concerning the drives urban youths may have been a more timely kind of film for Huda to bring us, what with recent current affairs; issues raised in his previous work are clearly worth extra attention now more than ever. That said, Everywhere and Nowhere sets out to demonstrate that a mixed sense of heritage remains a persistent problem for youngsters in our country, and simply because we’ve heard it all before, doesn’t make it any less relevant.

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Movshare Killer Elite MovshareQuality: Movie quality TS Dolby Digital/DVDRip  
Royalvids Killer Elite RoyalvidsQuality: Movie quality TS Line dubbed  
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Genre: Drama  | Length: N/A | Land/Year: UK/2011


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